Inner Circle Entry - Dr. Scott McQuate Teaches The Secrets Of The Ages That The Illuminati Have Hidden For Millennia, Even From Their Very Own. Get Answers To Questions That No Pastor, Theologian or even Freemason Can Provide Including Who Built The Pyramids

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The Truth Has Always Been Hidden Beneath An Ancient Illuminati Code But 'The Book' Is Now Being Opened
. . . Just As Prophesied

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Dear Friend and Truth-Seeker,

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Have you ever watched the Indiana Jones movie about the Temple of the Crystal Skulls? There was a clip in that movie that was quite profound. After the crystal skull had been replaced, the Russian scientist said to the alien beings 'I want to know! I want to know!' Upon hearing her request and looking deeply into her soul, they gave her what she wanted, which was a bit more than she bargained for. It made me mindful of another movie called 'A Few Good Men' with Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson when Jack Nicholson vehemently told Tom Cruise, 'you can't handle the truth!' And the fact was...

He Was Right 

That was because the truth didn't fit with the world as Tom Cruise saw it from his perspective; this was because his perspective was wrong. The reason I bring up these two instances is because I know as a fact, from years of experience and from speaking with thousands of people, that many people who say they want the truth are really simply looking for a body of information

That Supports Their Existing Belief System

Individuals with that mindset, as a fact, will never really understand the truth and will remain captive to the lies that bind our world today. If that describes you and you are uneasy with learning the truth from the most ancient texts whose teachings are even hidden throughout the Bible, then please feel free to leave at any time. We can part friends and I wish you the best on your journey...


If, however, you are one of those individuals that realizes that something is very wrong with the world and that the existing religions and philosophies that are guiding the world are not doing a very good job and that there must be a deeper meaning to this existence, I'm here to tell you that you are absolutely correct! This is why an ancient prince named Kingu, one of the greatest sages of all time, (who is secretly spoken of in the Bible and even the Sumerian texts), stated that it is not the philosophies, religions or ideologies of politics that will enable you to live freely, but

"The Truth And The Truth Alone That Will Make You Free"

The problem is that the truth, that all-important treasure that humanity desperately needs, is extremely difficult to find. This is because it has been deeply hiddenfor thousands of years by those who control every aspectof the world through the religious,educational and political machinations they've created.

The Illuminati Keep The World Blind To The Truth

There is an ancient text over 2000 years old that expresses just how deeply the truth was hidden, even at that time in history. It states that in order to find the truth we must 'ask', 'seek' and 'knock' which translates as 'constantly' and 'persistently pursue'. Elsewhere, it tells us that to find it we must search for it like a lion seeking the prey. The sincere pursuit of truth, therefore, takes a great deal of dedication, time andexpertise

Three Things That Most People Simply Do Not Have 

But Why Is The Truth So Difficult To Find?

The writers of the ancient texts that tried to convey the secrets to us, knew that even at that time in history,

There Had Been A Concerted Effort By Those Who Knew The Ancient Secret Truth, To Hide It Beneath Doctrines, Languages And Belief Systems In Order To Control The Minds Of The Masses For Their Own Purposes

This is why we are told later in the Bible that in the Last Days of earth, the masses will believe a strong delusion that that will cause them to believe a lie; this is precisely where the world has found itself, today; desperately seeking the truth because they know the time is short...

Just As It States In Nearly Every Major Ancient Text

The genuine truth-seeker, therefore, will always choose to know the truth and will decide that knowing the truth is their ultimate goal, no matter the outcome and no matter the cost to their pre-existing system of beliefs.

Does This Describe You?

If so...

I Would Like To Extend A Personal Invitation To You

But first let me introduce myself...

Me, Lecturing At One Of My Seminars

My name is Dr. Scott McQuate. I am a published author, lecturer, researcher and exegete (I uncover what's beneath ancient languages). I've received my education from a number of colleges and universities including Mount Vernon Nazarene University, Ashland University, Ashland Theological Seminary, Asbury College, Midwest Theological Seminary and Walsingham University. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and a Master's Degree and PhD in Scriptural Psychology. I've been the featured guest on many (dozens) of radio shows across the world and my first book, Blueprint For Bondage, found at is now read in over 60 countries.

Blueprint For Bondage By Dr. Scott McQuate

In late 2008 I was the featured guest on one of the most popular, well-known, worldwide radio/tv shows in the world today. The show was slated for one hour, but we ended up doing it for more than three because of the public's high interest in the research. The show was so well-received that they had me back on by popular demand as the first guest of 2009, (which, I am told, is an honor and a very unusual occurrence for guests on that program). We ended up doing three shows all together, all nearly three hours in length;and I barely scratched the surface of the information that I teach at the Inner Circle. That is just one example of the response to my research. It is highly-unique, resonates with those that are hungry for truth and people quickly realize why it is not available from any other source.

And I Tell You These Things NOT TO IMPRESS YOU (Anyone Who Knows Me Knows That Is Not My Style), But To IMPRESS UPON YOU The Importance And Power Of What I've Discovered Beneath The Ancient Texts Including The Bible...

  And You Can Now Have Access To This Same Research
That Has Never Been Released Before

Here are some of the motivating factors that have enabled me to acquire the deeply-hidden, ancient and all-important information that is now available to you.

I grew up in a religious home and most of my education followed suit. All through my undergraduate studies and even into my PhD, I was bothered by one question that has brought me to the place I am today; why couldn't any of the Teachers, Pastors and University Professors (some of which are well-known, world-renowned scholars today) ever answer the tough questions? I remember asking myself, if they, with all of their extensive education, are still unable answer the all-important questions, then there must be a better path to follow in order to get to the truth?

And That Is The Point At Which My Journey Into The Truth Truly Began 

There is no worse feeling for a top student (or a student of any capacity), than to sit in the front row of your classes with the best of intentions and be let down over and over with one weak answer after another to the important questions. (And it's even more difficult when you see everyone around you accepting those answers as the truth!)

Can You Relate?

If you're like most people who are serious about finding the truth, you've read books, or listened to interviews and set your DVR to record anything remotely related to your topic of interest and yet you've just not felt like any of the answers satisfy that deep, abiding hunger for truth. Am I right? This is because there is something within people like you that craves real answers and you've got a truth meter embedded in the middle of your brain that acts like a lie detector that evokes that sinking feeling when the 'experts' start to spew their rhetoric. You know what I mean...


I know you do. You think to yourself 'oh, here we go again with the disinformation or propoganda rhetoric' and you wonder, 'how many different ways can these people 'spin' the same old lies?!

I Feel Your Pain

Seriously. I would rather hear nails on a chalkboard than see lies written upon one, especially lies told behind the smile of a trusted 'expert', 'scholar' or 'religious teacher' under the guise of truth. It's not only frustrating, but immoral and a bit condescending, isn't it?

You'll be happy to know that those days are over for you, if you really want them to be.

My Committment To You

Back in the year 2000, I had reached my limit. I had gotten the 'some things are just not supposed to be known' answer for the last time. At that point I embarked on a personal journey into the truth and committed to finding it. I DO NOT mean that I watched more YouTube videos or joined esoteric forums or spent half my life on Google. What I mean is

I Began To Seek The Truth At All Cost

To begin my journey, I did something that you might think is a little strange, or maybe not. I fasted, meditated and prayed for 3 solid days. I drank water, but ate nothing. During that 3 day period I asked for wisdom to find the truth so I could teach it to others, so they too, could be free from the lies and rhetoric and be able to make choices based on that truth. And since that time...

My Life Has Absolutely Been A Truth-Seekers Dream!

I am not kidding you. I compare it to a Steven Spielberg movie on steroids when it comes to the excitement I've experienced and the high-caliber truth I've uncovered and have been able to share with others through my books, seminars and private Learning Network called The Inner Circle. I've taught scholars, pastors, authors, researchers, professors, scientists and other individuals who are qualified in their respective fields as well as stay-at-home mom's, blue-collar workers, seminary students, laymen and many others. Regardless of their background and how little or how much education they have, I appreciate them all. They have all learned things from my teachings that they never knew before that changed their lives and they all understand one thing clearly from their time spent with me

I've Personally Discovered Incredible, Life-Changing Truths That Have Been Hidden From Humanity Beneath The Ancient Texts For Thousands Of Years, That Are Available From No Other Source 

And I'm talking about serious, mind-blowing truths that are not available anywhere else on the planet. At least not to the public. They may be locked up in the Vatican library or buried in some Freemasonic chamber somewhere, but I and my students have looked and this information is nowhere to be found. (I've even spoken at length with several 32nd-degree Freemasons, some of whom have been Masons for more than 25 years. They are all shocked by my discoveries and have never been taught the information I've shared with them.)

And It's All Corroborated By Codes And Secret Messages I've Discovered That Have Been Hidden Within The Bible And Other Ancient Texts

So, how have I discovered them?

It's important for you to understand that it's literally taken me more than a decade and tens of thousands of hours of diligent, intense research to uncover what's been hidden; and none of that time includes my traditional education!

In the ancient texts, the teachers like Jesus, Buddha and others talk about the truth coming to those who have 'eyes to see' and 'ears to hear' but only through a lot of hard work described as asking, seeking and knocking; and now I know exactly what they mean. You see, the truth has always been there but unbeknownst to Scholars and Theologians, it's been intentionally hidden beneath many layers of language and behind a false context for literally thousands of years. This is what the Bible means when it says 'It is the glory of God to conceal a thing and the glory of Kings to discover it.'  Unbeknownst to the experts, the Bible and other ancient texts are literally extraordinary repositories of secret hidden knowledge and the truth has been waiting to be dug up, like a buried treasure from beneath their pages

And That Is Precisely What I've Done

I Am A Treasure Hunter

More accurately, I am your treasure hunter.

I have dug into ancient texts for many years with my 'shovels' of Lexicons and 'pick axes' of etymological dictionaries to uncover what's been intentionally buried beneath the Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic and other ancient languages, including the oldest of all written languages; The Sumerian Cuneiform; a very powerful and elucidating language understood only by a handful of people in the world. In doing so, I have found a treasure-trove of truth.

Are You Ready For A Secret?

There is a reason I can give you viable, synapse-sizzling answers to ancient questions that no one else is able to give you: I've discovered an exegetical secret that allows me to uncover answers to the deepest questions missed by the Scholars for literally thousands of years...

The Secret

The principals of exegesis used by the Scholars and Theologians of today fall under the umbrella of Hermeneutics. Unbeknownst to them, those principals are based on the philosophy of an individual named Hermes, (thus, the name Herme-neutics). And this individual is also known as Mercury, Toth or Ham...

The Same Individual Upon Whose Philosophy
Freemasonry And The Illuminati Base Their Teachings!

By using those principals, the Scholars and Theologians to whom people turn for truth, are firstly unwittingly embracing an Illuminati philosophy that has been woven into their doctrines and beliefs over thousands of years and secondly, left with only a partial map preventing them therefore, from providing the answers that really matter.

This is why their teachings always lead to partial answers and more confusion. Their principals of exegesis were implemented by ancient Freemasons and members of the Illuminati as the accepted standard for studying the ancient texts, because they knew that those principals, as a fact, would cause the masses to remain in the dark...and allow them to remain in control. This might sound outlandish at first blush, but it is a fact. I further support it with my research exposing the fact that both the primary writer of the New Testament and the editor of the King James Bible were both, beyond the shadow of any doubt...

High-Ranking Freemasons!

By using my proprietary research method (which took years to develop and was like finding an old yellowed map to an underground vault containing a wealth of ancient hidden knowledge), I have been able to solve many all-important riddles. Here is just a taste of what you will learn when you become a member of the Inner Circle. And I can guarantee you that there is not one single question below, to which you currently know the answer!(Unless you've attended one of my lectures!)

What all-important spiritual information is the government hiding from you?
Who built the Great Pyramid and what significance does it have to you, personally?
What are UFO's and ORB's and where do they come from?
How is the mysterious Egyptian Djedd Pillar connected to your genetics?
What is the Ark of the Covenant and what does it have to do with your DNA?
Why is Israel so significant and why have its ancient borders been hidden?
What did the Red Sea that Moses parted really symbolize?
What is the Holy Grail and where is it located?
What really happened in the Garden in Eden and where is it located?
What is the Bi-ble really a secret symbol of?
How is the Phrygian cap inextricably linked to the Great Tribulation?
How can you survive the coming destruction and preserve your spirituality?
Why do Freemasons use aliases and what does it have to do with a secret stone?
What secrets does the Cuneiform language hold to solving the great mysteries?

What is the Cherub with the flaming sword that guards Eden and where is it located?
What famous figure integral to the founding of Christianity used an alias?
Who is Lucifer and what are her other names?
What prominent leader in our world is literally a clone of an ancient fallen angel?
Who is hiding behind the figure known as YHWH in the Bible?
What ancient sources were used for all of the stories in the Bible?
Who was Jesus...really?
What was the real name of Jesus unknown to all Theologians and Scholars?
What is the enigmatic Millstone spoken of by Jesus and the Sumerians, really?
What popular fairy tale is based entirely on a hidden story found in Genesis 1 and 2?
What other popular fairy tale is entirely based on ancient hidden secrets about your DNA? What secret items in the Bible are shrouded references to your genetics?
What is the significance of the theme of Red and Blue in old paintings and movies?
  How are Mary, the mother of Jesus and Nefertiti inextricably linked?
What is your government not telling you about the crucial prophecy of the Fig Tree?
How will this prophecy have dire consequences for you and your family?
What is the real meaning of The Great Tribulation?
What molecules are secretly referenced by the ancient Sumerians and Biblical Scribes?
What is the real meaning of the word Repentance?
What is the Abomination of Desolation and where is it?
Where can you go to actually touch Ezekiel's Wheel in a Wheel?
What are your leaders not telling the world about Procreation?
Why do you already have the Mark of the Beast and what is the real meaning of 666?
What planet has the Illuminati hidden from the world and why have they hidden it?
Why is the ancient Cuneiform language of such great importance for knowing the truth?
Where is hell?
What were the Serpent and the Fruit in Eden?
What prophecy of global destruction, spoken of by all cultures, is taking place right now?
Why have the global leaders hidden the importance of the planet Saturn?
Why is there such a struggle between the sexes?
Why are all Pastors and Scholars completely oblivious to these all-important issues?
And many more!

The truth of these and many more ancient, all-important questions has come from many years of intense research and much sacrifice, but it has all been worth it,

Because I've Been Able To Share The Answers With Thousands Of People Like You From All Around The World

My students from all around the world know the quality of my research and seek me for viable answers to the toughest questions often even in regards to their finances, work, relationships and more. They know that even though the treasure of truth can sometimes be heavy,

It Is A Breath Of Fresh Air In A World Built On Lies

Here are just a few testimonials from real students of mine at the Inner Circle:

"Thank you for your incredible research. You've got a way of teaching that keeps me
coming back for more!"

- Sue M., Member

"Dr. McQuate's material is very interesting! Much like Zecharia Sitchin's
but with greater insight and detail."

- Stephen N., Member

"If you're wondering whether or not to join Dr. McQuate's Inner Circle, I can tell you,
Stop Wondering! I'm 68 years old, have heard all kinds of Professors and Pastors and I can tell you that you won't regret it. You will learn things you just can't find anywhere else."

- Emily C.,- Member

I have read the Bible several times and never saw the shrouded messages
that you've so eloquently pointed out. It makes one wonder how many other
are dangled right in front of our eyes. Great work!"
- Brian D., - Member

 You have such a gift and YOUR CONTENT IS ENTHRALLING! More people
need to have this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT INFORMATION in their hands,

-Margaret C., - Member

"Your teachings are awesome. I am anxiously awaiting my next session with you."
- Brian T., - Member

"You should charge ten times more for the information you've found. It's truly
changed my life and is amazing. I always knew there had to be a more accurate
explanation to the questions I've had and now I know I was right. You truly are
a Scholar and I thank you for your hard work and kind heart."

-Janet M., - Member

"I was a Pastor for 20 years but honestly only understood the deeper meaning
of the Bible after I became a member of your Inner Circle. It's obvious that
so many Pastors are incorrect in what they teach. It is truly disturbing to me
how many important secrets have been concealed beneath the surface. You really do
have a gift for teaching and deciphering meaning for these Last Days."

Charles K., - Member

"Doc McQuate is simply awesome. I've been a member for over a year and every time
I talk with him, he blows me away with what he knows. If you want the truth, this is
the man to speak with. Join the Inner Circle and you will never regret it for a minute."

Richard W. - Member

"The quality of Dr. McQuate's research will make you raise your standards when searching the Internet. If you thought you knew a lot from your days on YouTube
and Google, think again. The bar has been officially raised."
Alex H. - Member 

So, if you want to know the truth and would like a life-changing education that you cannot obtain anywhere else...

I Invite You To Share In My Treasure

If you truly want viable answers to some of the most ancient, enduring questions then I invite you to join the Inner Circle. Let me help you mend your tattered sails, ripped by the lies of the long-winded 'experts' and set you on a course toward the shores of truthThe Inner Circle canbe your soothing oasis in an arid desert full of rhetoric and half-truths.

Join the Inner Circle now and learn the ramifications of what I present to you. I promise you that once you step into the truth, your life will change for the better and it will never be the same!

There are four membership options for joining. Here are the six memberships and what you receive with each one:

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Features And Benefits


Monthly Apprentice
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Includes Basic Membership to Dr. McQuate's Personal Full-Scale Social Network and more than 4000 pages of bonus material listed in the above video including a Sumerian Lexicon and much more!
(A $200 Value)


Ability To Join Discussion Groups and Forums


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Groups and Forums


Ability To Create Your Own Personal Blog


Includes Access To Thousands Of Network Videos


Includes Online Access to Dr. McQuate’s Research Papers And Books (Read Them Online - Wow!)


Includes Access to Dr. McQuate’s Radio Programs
(Listen to hours and hours of amazing information at any time you desire.)


Personal Access to Dr. McQuate via email



Includes A Personal One-
On-One 1-Hour Mentoring And Teaching Session Each And Every Month With
Dr. McQuate Via The Toll-Free Inner Circle Hotline.
Personal access to the
expert to ask questions
and more to greatly
enhance your learning
(A $150 Per Session Value. Apprentices rave about these sessions)




Includes A Mailed Copy of Dr. McQuate’s New Condensed 2-Hour Audio Teaching ‘The Tribulation - Hidden Secrets Revealed’
(A $39.95 Value)




Includes A Mailed Copy of Dr. McQuate’s New 1-Hour Video ‘The Red Dragon and the Sheep: The Return of Nibiru’
(A $29.95 Value)




Includes A Signed Paper Bound Version of Dr. McQuate’s Book ‘Blueprint For Bondage
(A $39.95 Value)

Includes a membership to 'The Library' at the Inner Circle (Normally $19.95 per month). This is an excellent resource currently containing more than 120 works (nearly 30,000 pages) of rare and little-known works regarding secrets of Freemasonry, Druids, The Essenes, Rosicrucianism and more, including the connection of these groups to Christianity. Many of these works are several hundred pages long and were written as far back as the 1700's. (99% of Freemasons have never known that these works existed and most people have never heard of them before. It has taken years to compile this collection and now you can have access to it by joining the Inner Circle!)
(A $359 Value)






Includes all of Dr. McQuate's works in eBook
Format on your own red,
engraged metallic USB Flash Drive
(Currently a $249 value)


Includes all of Dr. McQuate's works in eBook Format on your own Glass, Backlit (Blue), USB Flash Drive with internal Engraved Double-Helix DNA Strand (Very, very cool piece.)

(Currently a $279 value not available to public)


Includes miniature golden Ark of the Covenant. A beautiful desktop reminder of the Ark's secret, hidden connection to DNA, which was unknown until it was uncovered by Dr. McQuate
(Very nice piece.)


Includes all of Dr. McQuate's works in 'signed' Paper Bound format at no extra cost
(Currently a $499 value!)

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And I Guarantee That You Will Gain A Wealth Of Information That The World
Has Never Known That Is Crucial For Understanding These End Times.  

Join Dr. McQuate's Inner Circle Today!

You will receive an education that will change your life for the better and one that you simply cannot obtain anywhere else. If you truly want viable answers to some of the most ancient and all-important questions relevant to this crucial time in earth's history, then I invite you to join the Inner Circle today and...

I Look Forward To Seeing You On The 'Inside'!


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